I cannot reach GitHub because of a firewall at work, how do I install Gadfly?
Connor Johnson
2013-11-26 17:28:58 UTC
I saw on stackoverflow<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14092316/simplest-ways-to-make-a-julia-package-available-to-others>that I could `require` a package that was placed in `.julia/`, so I
downloaded the Gadfly zip file from GitHub manually, and then started
putting it different places in my C:\julia directory, and tried to
`require` it from the command line, but to no avail. Is there a way to
install packages manually like you do in Python with `python setup.py

I am using Windows 7 (because I'm at work), and Pkg.add("Gadfly") won't
work because of a firewall or something. (I can use Invoke-WebRequest via
Windows PowerShell, but I can't use pip, the Python installer for some

Avik Sengupta
2013-11-26 17:53:07 UTC
You should have a .julia (note the dot in the beginning) directory within
your home directory on windows. If you don't have it, Pkg.init() at the
Julia REPL will create it for you. You can check what julia thinks your
home directory is by calling homedir() at the Julia REPL.

Inside the .julia directory, create a directory called Gadfly , and put the
gadfly sources within it. I.e, inside the Gadfly directory should be a
directories called src, tests, doc etc.

You will then need to do the same for all dependencies for Gadfly,
recursively. Dependencies are specified via the REQUIRE file inside the
Gadfly directory.

Then using Gadfly should work as usual.
I saw on stackoverflow<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F14092316%2Fsimplest-ways-to-make-a-julia-package-available-to-others&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGf-64GBqjIckQilbXbAUq-Ns7dBA>that I could `require` a package that was placed in `.julia/`, so I
downloaded the Gadfly zip file from GitHub manually, and then started
putting it different places in my C:\julia directory, and tried to
`require` it from the command line, but to no avail. Is there a way to
install packages manually like you do in Python with `python setup.py
I am using Windows 7 (because I'm at work), and Pkg.add("Gadfly") won't
work because of a firewall or something. (I can use Invoke-WebRequest via
Windows PowerShell, but I can't use pip, the Python installer for some
Connor Johnson
2013-11-26 18:07:30 UTC
Aha! I am on the trail. I called Pkg.init() from the Julia command line
interpreter, is that what you meant? At any rate, it gave me an error about
a failed process, which I think is due to the firewall. I went ahead and
made a .julia directroy in the directory output by `homedir()` as you
suggested, and I got a dependency error instead of a process error, so
that's good news.

Thanks for your help!
I saw on stackoverflow<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fstackoverflow.com%2Fquestions%2F14092316%2Fsimplest-ways-to-make-a-julia-package-available-to-others&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGf-64GBqjIckQilbXbAUq-Ns7dBA>that I could `require` a package that was placed in `.julia/`, so I
downloaded the Gadfly zip file from GitHub manually, and then started
putting it different places in my C:\julia directory, and tried to
`require` it from the command line, but to no avail. Is there a way to
install packages manually like you do in Python with `python setup.py
I am using Windows 7 (because I'm at work), and Pkg.add("Gadfly") won't
work because of a firewall or something. (I can use Invoke-WebRequest via
Windows PowerShell, but I can't use pip, the Python installer for some
John Hall
2015-01-09 21:24:40 UTC
My issue is that same as the OPs, but I'm trying to install NLopt.jl rather
than Gadfly. I perennially have this issue with Python files, but it seems
that I've had better luck getting stuff to work manually with Python than

Pkg.init() doesn't work for me.

I first looked in the require file for NLopt. It has BinDeps and
MathProgBase 0.3.0 0.4.0-. BinDeps requires URIParser and SHA. So my .julia
folder contains each of those .zip files and the unzipped folders that
include the directories. However, when I try to start with the ones without
dependencies, I run
then I get an error about it not being found. I tried a bunch of variations
on this (and following the first answer on
without much luck.
Post by Connor Johnson
Aha! I am on the trail. I called Pkg.init() from the Julia command line
interpreter, is that what you meant? At any rate, it gave me an error about
a failed process, which I think is due to the firewall. I went ahead and
made a .julia directroy in the directory output by `homedir()` as you
suggested, and I got a dependency error instead of a process error, so
that's good news.
Thanks for your help!
Post by Connor Johnson
I saw on stackoverflow
that I could `require` a package that was placed in `.julia/`, so I
downloaded the Gadfly zip file from GitHub manually, and then started
putting it different places in my C:\julia directory, and tried to
`require` it from the command line, but to no avail. Is there a way to
install packages manually like you do in Python with `python setup.py
I am using Windows 7 (because I'm at work), and Pkg.add("Gadfly") won't
work because of a firewall or something. (I can use Invoke-WebRequest via
Windows PowerShell, but I can't use pip, the Python installer for some
Steven G. Johnson
2015-01-09 21:47:26 UTC
See the manual on how to use git from behind a firewall:


In particular, you can run

git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

to tell git to use https instead of git protocol, in order to work with
your firewall.
John Hall
2015-01-09 21:56:07 UTC
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before. Neither
seem to work. The method for configuring git is also discussed here
and tried running
C:\Julia-0.3.4\Git\cmd>git config --global http.proxy http://[autoproxy
thingy from IE]
C:\Julia-0.3.4\Git\cmd>git config --global http.proxy http://@[autoproxy
thiny from IE]
C:\Julia-0.3.4\Git\cmd>git config --global http.proxy
thingy from IE]
and nothing even remotely works. I spent some time on the phone with tech
support and might as well have poked myself in the eye.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
In particular, you can run
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
to tell git to use https instead of git protocol, in order to work with
your firewall.
Steven G. Johnson
2015-01-09 22:23:27 UTC
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before. Neither
seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or http
URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.
John Hall
2015-01-09 22:47:17 UTC
Tried before. Doesn't work.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before.
Neither seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or http
URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.
Steven G. Johnson
2015-01-10 15:00:09 UTC
So you have a firewall that is blocking http? Do they force you to use
an http proxy? See


on setting up git to use your http proxy (e.g. copy the settings from your
web browser).
Post by John Hall
Tried before. Doesn't work.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before.
Neither seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or
http URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.
John Hall
2015-01-10 17:48:41 UTC
The commands I listed above where I try to git config --global http.proxy
are the same thing as the answers to the stackoverflow question (I had
actually referred to it before posting). The IE settings my company
provides don't seem to be enough (and IT support is essentially unhelpful).
Post by Steven G. Johnson
So you have a firewall that is blocking http? Do they force you to use
an http proxy? See
on setting up git to use your http proxy (e.g. copy the settings from your
web browser).
Post by John Hall
Tried before. Doesn't work.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before.
Neither seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or
http URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.
2015-01-11 01:16:42 UTC
If your workplace uses a proxy script to automagicallly
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn321447.aspx> assign you to
particular proxy servers, then you probably need to start an instance of a
local proxy server (e.g. CNTLM). While I haven't tried this myself, this
means that all you need to do is tell git (probably, maybe also Julia?)
that it needs to send data packets through `localhost:3128` (that is
CNTLM's default proxy server's address/port combo). I think you could do
this with an environment variable used by git (something like HTTPS_PROXY =
localhost &/ HTTP_PROXY = localhost)
Post by John Hall
The commands I listed above where I try to git config --global http.proxy
are the same thing as the answers to the stackoverflow question (I had
actually referred to it before posting). The IE settings my company
provides don't seem to be enough (and IT support is essentially unhelpful).
Post by Steven G. Johnson
So you have a firewall that is blocking http? Do they force you to use
an http proxy? See
on setting up git to use your http proxy (e.g. copy the settings from
your web browser).
Post by John Hall
Tried before. Doesn't work.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before.
Neither seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or
http URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.
2015-01-11 01:19:52 UTC
There are very few *nix based applications that observe the Windows
internet settings. R, most notably, allows you use the internet2 Windows
But this isn't observed by packages that use curl (e.g. devtools). In any
case, best to setup a local proxy and the environment variables described
below (not easy is it?)
Post by i***@me.com
If your workplace uses a proxy script to automagicallly
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn321447.aspx> assign you to
particular proxy servers, then you probably need to start an instance of a
local proxy server (e.g. CNTLM). While I haven't tried this myself, this
means that all you need to do is tell git (probably, maybe also Julia?)
that it needs to send data packets through `localhost:3128` (that is
CNTLM's default proxy server's address/port combo). I think you could do
this with an environment variable used by git (something like HTTPS_PROXY =
localhost &/ HTTP_PROXY = localhost)
Post by John Hall
The commands I listed above where I try to git config --global http.proxy
are the same thing as the answers to the stackoverflow question (I had
actually referred to it before posting). The IE settings my company
provides don't seem to be enough (and IT support is essentially unhelpful).
Post by Steven G. Johnson
So you have a firewall that is blocking http? Do they force you to
use an http proxy? See
on setting up git to use your http proxy (e.g. copy the settings from
your web browser).
Post by John Hall
Tried before. Doesn't work.
Post by Steven G. Johnson
Post by John Hall
I've seen both the git manual and the https/git workaround before.
Neither seem to work.
If you do "git clone" manually from the command line with an https or
http URL, does it work? It would be good to diagnose the specific problem.